Friday, August 5, 2011

The truth will set you freeeeee

The Book of Joel isn’t exactly a book in the Bible for the faint of heart. Especially when what he’s talking about mirrors what we are going through today. Here in Texas I believe we are going on like day 35 of triple digit heat. Farmers are losing their crops because there hasn’t been rain, lakes are drying up and people are dying because it has been so hot here. It’s getting pretty serious, and there has been talk that this could last for a while, like October. Now, we can blame it on pollution, global warming or whatever else that makes us feel better, but what if it’s something different? This weather isn’t crazy just here in the US. Look around the world. Record breaking earthquakes, tsunamis, drought it’s everywhere. Could this be the hand of God? It’s been prophesied for thousands of years about the thing s to happen before Jesus returns, and prophecy is coming to pass every day. The point of this post isn’t to strike fear or anxiety in anyone because God is still on the throne and tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” In this verse God isn’t talking about just anyone, He’s speaking directly to those of us that are Christians. We have been given authority over evil, and we as Christians have been asleep and in denial about all of the terrible evil things that are happening in the world. I like this quote, “If the land is in broken condition, it is not because the heathen are acting as heathen, but because the church is not acting as the church.” OUCH! I fall in this category of the church not acting as the church. Christians (and I am going to use this in the broad sense, if you are living according to the Word then don’t get offended at this statement) have been lazy, arrogant leaders. We have compromised and have conformed to the way the world does things to “try and be relevant.” “Relevant” (for the most part) means sleeping around, watching porn, cussing, watching things that if Jesus was sitting next to you, you would be ashamed to watch, ungodly relationships, and the list goes on and on. I’m not perfect because as one point in my life I have done all of the above, but I was unsaved. So, this behavior is to be expected from those who don’t know any better, I’m not condoning it, but you have to have grace and mercy for the un-enlightened.
It’s hard to stand up against what everyone else is doing, and the church is no exception. We will be mocked, criticized, un-friended on Facebook, talk about behind our backs, called crazy or fanatic. They did worse to Jesus and He said to expect it as followers of Him. At what point are we going to get out of the valley of decision with the unbelievers and start acting like the Christ followers that we are? Does acting like Jesus mean to become “better” than people? Absolutely NOT! It means to get your crap together, learn who you are in the Lord and be ok with who He made you to be, get filled with the Spirit (another subject for another day but extremely important to know about) and then go out and show the love of Christ to those around you. Feed the hungry, love the loveless bring hope to the hopeless, be humble but confident and for heaven’s sake PRAY! Change starts with you. If you are broken get healed, let Jesus work on the inside of you.
We need to come together instead of working against each other and go out and be the light in the world. When the world is falling apart it is our JOB as Christians to show them who is really in control and that is God.
Again I can’t stress enough the utmost importance of prayer. If your job sucks pray that there will be change. If your marriage is broken and so is your heart pray for restoration and for your heart to be healed, if you are sick pray for God to heal you. Life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit (proverbs 18:21), you have the ability to speak life or death into your situation.
If you are reading this thinking that I am angry, well I am sort of angry. Not at any of you but at the Body of Christ as a whole. I fall under this category so I am also guilty. I will always try to point my finger at me first before I point it at anyone else. There are plenty of areas where I need to grow and this is an area that God has really been stressing. If we can come together the things we could accomplish would be endless.
I challenge you to reflect on the areas of your life where God is convicting you to make change. Take the step and begin the process of change.  

P.S.  If Jesus isn’t Lord of your life read my Blog “choices choices” and there is prayer you can pray to become a part of this beautiful family.

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