Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lets take a journey into history....

Keeping in the theme of choices this week, I want to talk about people who have made good and bad choices in the past and the outcome of those choices.
I think the epic FAIL of choices would have to go to Adam and Eve, choosing to eat the apple and disobey Gods command. Because of that choice humanity was cursed. Death, disease, pain, sorrow, hard labor and so many more things were introduced into the human race after that decision. If you want to read it in depth you can find that story in Genesis 3:1-25.
How about Noah? I think his good choice to be obedient to God and built the ark saved humanity. Thank you Noah, but I’m still wondering why the Unicorns didn’t get the memo….
Abraham….he makes the list of good and bad choices. Bad choice: After being told by God that he would have a child and be the father of many nations, him and Sarah got a little impatient. After years of not having any luck Sarah decides that she would give Abraham her servant to marry so that she could have the child…..enter Ishmael, the NOT chosen child. Can anyone tell me what religion stems from the lineage of Ishmael? I’ll tell you it ISN’T Christianity. Good choice, FINALLY they have Isaac, the chosen child, but God tells Abraham to sacrifice him….Wait, what???? Yup, that’s right Abraham, here is your promised child, now go to that mountain and sacrifice him to me….(I would probably have failed this test). Abraham was obedient, went to the mountain, laid Isaac on the alter, raised his hand to kill him then God say, “Abraham STOP.” At this point is God bipolar? No, not at all. The purpose of this test was to see if Abraham would be obedient to anything God commanded of him, and he passed. Because of his obedience God sacrificed HIS son instead…thousands of years later, except that sacrifice would change eternity.
There are a ton of people to choose from, who can you think of that goes on the list for a good or bad choice in history and why? Please post your answer so we can all learn something new J


  1. I love today's blog so much I'm too busy laughing to think of good/bad choices. Off the top of my head, though, I'm thinking Lot's wife looking back at Sodom...probably a bad idea. When God moves you past something like that, don't look back. Keep heading for higher ground. I'll have to get back to you. ;)

  2. I agree! Any decision you make and if you choose incorrectly the punishment is to become a pillar of salt would suck!Sorry, I dont want my arm to be sprinkled on food!
