Tuesday, April 26, 2011


New week, new topic.
May I take a quick moment to remind those of you reading this, I talk about JESUS and the BIBLE if you are going to get offended stop reading it immediately.  I am not “preaching” at you, you are choosing to read this, just a friendly reminder J
With that being said, I appreciate those of you that are growing and learning something new from my posts, that has been my prayer this whole time.
This week I want us to focus on priorities. Our society pushes their agenda on our lives and we ignorantly follow what they tell us. We need to more aware of where all of our time is going and what we are investing that precious time into.  Are you caught up in drama? That wastes our time talking about it AND thinking about it. What could you be doing that is worth something instead of getting caught up in other people’s issues you have no business getting involved in? Are you wasting your valuable time in relationships that are toxic and draining? It is really hard to walk away from friendships that are unhealthy but would you rather walk away now or look back five years from now and regret all of the time you invested that amounted to nothing but pain?
How about your money? I know people get really defensive about their spending. But you will invest your money into what you value and what you value is a priority to you. Do you save? Do you give to the needy? Do you tithe? Do you use wisdom in your purchases? Do you spend more than you make? The way you answer these questions will show you what you value. Will expensive clothes make you a better person? Or better yet, can you take them with you when you die? “Life is easier when you have a lot of money.” Is it? Do you know who your real friends are when you are wealthy? Would they be there when you aren’t wealthy?
You know what's in a persons heart when you see what they value. What do people see about your heart? Are you shallow? Are you selfish? Or, are you generous and kind? Remember, God examines the heart.
I have been taught that God always comes first, your husband second, children third, everything else comes last. So, why your husband before your kids? Well, when your kids grow up and leave the house, who are you going to be living with? Your husbad. It would be wisdom to make sure you always keep that relationship healthy because you don’t want to wake up in 20 years and wonder who this person is laying next to you. Not only that, your relationship is a living example to your kids about how to conduct themselves in a marriage. If you have kids, and you are married, what are they learning by watching you and your spouse? You have to make time for your spouse, they even come before you. It’s not easy and at times I don’t like it, but you have to remain selfless.
Do your friends take the front seat in your life? Be careful who you surround yourself with, you are who you hang with. Trust me, I learned this one the hard way.
If you have woken up and not liked the life that you are living, ask yourself why? Don’t put the blame on others, a lot of how your life is going, is a choice that you have made. Granted there are things that other people are responsible for but you are responsible for how you deal with it and overcome.
I urge you to get your life balanced with what’s really important. It’s never too late to make changes, it may not be easy but it’s never too late. (p.s. if you are unhappy in your marriage I am NOT suggesting divorce…that should never be the first solution to problems in your marriage).
This weeks “assignment”
1.       Remember that prayer thing? Yeah that should be a priority. So continue prayer every day but take make three of those days 10 minutes instead of 5.
2.       Make a list of your priorities, and be honest with yourself.
3.       If those priorities are out of order, make some goals to correct them (a handy tool would be to ask God how to correct them)

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